Nanette Wylde
Interactive Digital & Online Projects

Augmented Reality

Augments are experienced via the live camera view of mobile devices.
These are mostly geo-location augments which are installed at specific locations via gps coordinates. You have to be there to experience them.

Focus Generator

An online generator of prompts for creative projects with social forum.
Audience participatory.


A shell game of sorts.
Audience participatory.

The Qi Project

Documentation of retired Flash project
This online version combines the elements of the gallery installation in a single interface.
Audience participatory.


Documentation of retired Flash project
I love you.
This is an online version of a gallery installation.
Audience participatory.

Jargon Reducer

Documentation of retired Flash project
A handy and entertaining language tool.
Audience participatory.


Random haiku generator.
Audience participatory.

Tru ValU

The Daily Planet Interactive

A dynamic newspaper parody created from real newspaper headlines.
Audience participatory.

Belief Manifesto

Audience participatory.

Fortune Kooki

Documentation of retired Flash project
This is how I learned Flash.

ArtReSearch: bigot

What is a bigot?
Audience participatory.

A Brief History...

Interactive multimedia project investigating the question: What does it mean to be born female?
Includes audience participatory gallery installation.
Created in Director, so likely not currently available to you unless you have an old plugin and it works with your OS.
Contact Nanette at nwylde at preneo dot org