A story about
Thomas from Delaware
in which he is interrogated by the authorities for a number of offenses any of which it is not clear is an actual crime of focus nor is the nature of any evidence gathered to support the interrogation or the documenting of any results revealed and all without apparent concern for the interruption to Thomas' personal and professional life and the trauma to Thomas and his loved ones.
Thomas from Delaware
The interrogation text of which has been extracted from
Federal Psychophysiological Detection of Deception Examiner's Handbook
Originally created as an artist book in 2021.
Available from
Hunger Button Books
Nanette Wylde
Did you steal any of that money?
Do you know where any of that money is now?
Do you know for sure who shot that man?
Do you know who stole any of that money?
Before 1997, did you ever steal anything?
Before this year, did you ever steal anything from someone who trusted you?
Have you ever talked around classified information over the telephone?
Have you ever done anything academically dishonest?
Did you ever commit a minor traffic violation?
Regarding whether you stole that car, do you intend to answer truthfully each question about that?
Regarding the theft of that car, do you intend to answer each question truthfully?
Do you believe I will only ask you the questions we reviewed?
Is there something else you are afraid I will ask you a question about?
Are you now in Alabama?
Are you sometimes called Tom?
Is today Friday?
Are you now in Alabama?
Do you live in MD?
Do you intend to answer truthfully all of the questions on this test?
Have you truthfully answered all of the questions on this test?
Does 10 + 9 = 19?
Does 7 + 5 = 12?
Were you on that bridge that night?
Regarding the number you wrote, was it number 4?
Did you steal that Mustang?
Did you steal that Mustang from that parking lot?
Are you the person who stole that Mustang from the Sears parking lot?
Did you help steal that Mustang?
Do you know how that car was disposed of?
Do you know for sure who stole that Mustang?
Did you plan with anyone to steal that Mustang?
Before 1997, did you ever steal anything of value?
Regarding the theft of that car, do you intend to answer each question truthfully?
Are you now in Alabama?
Are you sometimes called Tom?
Do you believe I will only ask you the questions we reviewed?
Is there something else you are afraid I will ask you a question about?
Are you sometimes called Mike?
Regarding that stolen money, do you intend to answer each question truthfully?
Do you believe I will only ask you the questions we reviewed?
Prior to 1996, did you ever steal anything from someone who trusted you?
Did you steal any of that money?
Prior to coming to Alabama, did you ever steal anything?
Did you steal any of that money from Jones' footlocker?
Is there something else you are afraid I will ask you a question about?
Prior to this year, did you ever steal anything from an employer?
Do you know where any of that stolen money is now?
Did you steal that Mustang?
Did you steal that Mustang from that parking lot?
Did you steal that Mustang from that Sears parking lot?
Before 1997, did you ever steal anything of value?
Regarding whether you stole that Mustang, do you intend to answer each question truthfully?
Are you now in Alabama?
Are you sometimes called Tom?
Do you believe I will only ask you the questions we reviewed?
Is there something else you are afraid I will ask you a question about?
Are you sometimes called Mike?
Regarding whether you stole that money, do you intend to answer each question truthfully?
Prior to 1996, did you ever steal anything from someone who trusted you?
Did you steal any of that money?
Prior to coming to Alabama, did you ever steal anything?
Did you steal any of that money from Jones' footlocker?
Prior to this year, did you ever steal anything from an employer?
Is there something else you are afraid I will ask you a question about?
Did you steal that car from the parking lot?
Do you know where any of that money is now?
Do you know for sure who shot that man?
Do you know who stole any of that money?
Did you participate in the theft of any of that money?
Before 1997, did you ever steal anything of value?
Did you ever lie to a coworker about anything?
Regarding the theft of that car, do you intend to answer each question truthfully?
Are you now in Alabama?
Are you sometimes called Tom?
Regarding the color of that car, was it . . .
Regarding the location of that property, is it located in . . .
area A?
area B?
area C?
area D?
an area (I have) not mentioned?
Have you ever engaged in espionage against the United States?
Have you ever been involved in subversive activity?
Have you ever provided classified information to an unauthorized person?
Is today Friday?
Are you now in Alabama?
Do you live in MD?
Do you intend to answer truthfully all of the questions on this test?
Have you truthfully answered all of the questions on this test?
Does l0 + 9 = 19?
Does 7 + 5 = 12?
Is today Friday?
Are you now in Alabama?
Have you ever been involved in a serious crime?
Have you deliberately falsified any part of your security forms?
Have you been involved in illegal drugs during the past five years?
Do you live in Maryland?
Have you deliberately falsified any part of your security forms?
Have you ever been involved in a serious crime?
Have you been involved in illegal drugs during the past five years?
Have you truthfully answered all of the questions on this test?
Did you shoot that man?
Did you steal any of that money?
Did you help steal that car?
Do you know how that car was disposed of?
Do you know for sure who stole that car?
Did you plan with anyone to steal that car?
Are you now in Alabama?
Are you sometimes called Tom?
Do you intend to answer truthfully to all of the questions on this test?
Have you truthfully answered all of the questions on this test?
Do you feel threatened by this test?
When you were accused of stealing, were you mad?
Is today Monday?
Is this the month of October?
Have you deliberately withheld any pertinent information from me during this interview?
Did you receive anything of benefit from that registered pouch?
Did you remove any of the contents of that pouch?
Are you now in the city of Birmingham?
Did you steal that pouch?
Do you know where any of the contents of that pouch are now?
Have you lied to any question on this test?
Is today Monday?
Did you ever commit a minor traffic violation?
Do you intend to answer the security questions truthfully?
Regarding the security questions, do you intend to answer truthfully?
Are you now in Alabama?
Are you sometimes called Tom?
Have you had any unauthorized foreign contacts?
Have you ever sold any illegal drugs?
Prior to your 18th birthday, did you ever lie to anyone who trusted you?
In connection with your application for employment, do you intend to answer each question truthfully?
Are you now in Alabama?
Have you had any unauthorized foreign contacts?
Have you provided classified information to an unauthorized person?
Did you ever say anything about someone that wasn't true?
Regarding the security questions, do you intend to answer each question truthfully?
Are you now in Alabama?
Are you sometimes called Tom?
Are the lights on?
Regarding the security questions, do you intend to answer each question truthfully?
Did you ever lie to a personal friend?
Have you had any unauthorized foreign contacts?
Have you engaged in espionage against the US?
Did you ever take credit for something you did not do?
Have you committed sabotage against the US?
Have you provided classified information to any unauthorized person?
Did you ever cheat in school?
Have you ever deliberately damaged any US Governrnent information system?
Did you ever violate your own code of ethics?
Have you done anything to defeat this test?