Enter your belief


I believe in love and the rules of humanity that steer most people to do good deeds most of the time.

I believe that when we can see our brother in each face we see we will begin to start to be free.
Eva Moyce

I believe people should stop blind belief, should open own eyes and not trust what they are told. I believe that all shall have the right to remain anonymous and share equal right to access ALL existing digital data using any software, tool and network. I also believe that freedom of speech shall be extended so that all people have the absolute right to say out loud or printed ANY idea, as controvercial as it would be, real or imaginary; at any place and at any time. A person doing so should not be concidered 'mad' nor should anyone be able to stop him/her from doing so, nor prevent anyone else from listening or documenting such activity



© Nanette Wylde 2001–2023
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